Grounded in the same principles of providing solutions for farmers, YieldMaster Solutions (YMS) is pleased to announce its continued partnership with Azotic through a recently signed 3-year agreement. The mission of YMS is focused on bringing leading-edge biological technologies and innovations to growers across North America to enhance crop performance, health and increase yield potential through their strong dealer and distributor network.

With this partnership, farmers will continue to have access to the nitrogen-fixing biological, Envita® through YMS Distribution channels. Envita is a nitrogen-fixing solution that fundamentally changes the nitrogen equation on your farm. Applied in-furrow or as a foliar spray, Envita enables cells throughout the plant – including foliage and roots – to fix their nitrogen (N) and fill the gap between crop available N and crop accessible N.

“With a commitment to bringing innovative solutions to our dealers and customers to maximize ROI, the ease of application and multi-crop use of Envita provides extensive opportunities for American farmers,” said Tim Bratland, YMS President.

Backed by a robust set of data points through our proof-of-concept trials, Envita has proven to be a game changer in the N-fixing biological family. Our multi-year data set showcases an 8 bu/acre with a win rate of over 80% in corn in 10 States across 102 data points. To learn more about how Envita has performed in your area, review our performance data through the YMS Proof-of-Concept (POC) trials.

“YMS has been critical to our launch and growth of Envita in the United States and we look forward to continuing our growth together as we provide the leading nitrogen fixation solution to dealers and growers across America,” said Ray Chyc, CEO of Azotic.

To learn more about how Envita can positively impact your operation visit: yieldmastersolutions.com/portfolio/envita

About Azotic

Azotic was formed to introduce sustainable nitrogen-fixing technology to farmers across the globe. With North American offices in Walnut Creek, California and Guelph, Ontario and a global office in York, UK, Azotic has taken more than 20 years of academic research and created the leading systemic nitrogen-fixation product in the world. Finally, there is no compromise between high-yield production agriculture and nitrogen sustainability.  

About YieldMaster Solutions

YieldMaster Solutions is an independent manufacturers’ representative based out of De Smet, S.D. The purpose and focus of YieldMaster Solutions LLC (YMS) is to identify, market and sell elite and innovative microbiologic-based solutions that have shown the ability to enhance plant health and crop performance. Any product moved from testing into our product portfolio must show the ability to maximize our growers’ return on investment. As an unbiased, integrity-driven, fiercely independent organization, we choose to identify and ground-truth solutions rather than to manufacture.