
N-fixing bacteria that works from within the plant, applied in-furrow OR foliar, and across crops to supplement nitrogen where and when it’s needed.

Key Benefits

  • N-fixing bacteria that works within the plant all season long!
  • Works throughout the entire plant to supplement nitrogen where & when it’s needed.
  • Easy to tank mix and apply in-furrow or foliar.
  • Backed by a performance guarantee.

How Envita Works

A. Envita enters the plant through the root zone (in-furrow
application) or leaf stomata (foliar application)
B. Envita bacteria works its way into the plant cell
and colonies within the actual cell
C. Envita bacteria creates small vesicles or
“air pockets” within the plant cell that
have the ability of capturing nitrogen
from the atmosphere
D. Envita repopulates within the cell

Multi Year Data

Application (0.8 oz/acre)

Tank Mixing

  • Step 1
    Load water into the application tank
    In-furrow – 3-5 gal/acre
    Foliar – 15-20 gal/ac
  • Step 2
    In-furrow – Load Starter Fertilizer into tank
    Foliar – Load adjuvants, compatible herbicides, fungicides & insecticides
  • Step 3
    Load 0.8 oz/ac of Envita into mixture in the application tank – 32 oz. of Envita treats 40 acres

4×32 oz

Supported by:

DFA Farm Supplies

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