We offer a robust product portfolio for multiple crop types
N-Physis is a wettable-granular, nitrogen fixing bacteria, that allows a sustainable source of nitrogen to be available to the plant from application through harvest.
Nutriquire is a microbial-based product that increases the active biomass in the soil.
Nutriquire + Terrasym is a synergistic combination of spore forming microbials and siderophores applied in the planter box providing ease of use, improved plant nutrient uptake and ROI.
NutriPhi is designed for beef, dairy, and hog operations to help manage biosolids, reduce run-off, and diminish harmful odors in barns, houses, and lagoons. In row crops, NutriPhi is used to promote efficient breakdown of crop residue.
Envita is a nitrogen fixing solution that fundamentally changes the nitrogen equation on your farm.
Soyfx is a specific combination of identified and tested microbials that elicit a positive crop response.
This cleaner and safer replacement to talc and graphite has farmers talking! Made entirely from U.S. soybeans, it’s renewable, “Made in America” and can be used for replacing talc and graphite in your seed meter systems.
NueNutri™ is an optimized liquid biostimulant containing vinasse, amino acids and
essential micronutrients, to enhance crops’ flowering periods and improve yield.